Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog 19: The True Value of a T-Shirt

  • It starts out with cotton being grown all over the world: US, Uzbekistan, Australia, China, India and small African counties like Benin and Burkina Faso. Each year it produces about 25 million tons of cotton globally.
Cotton Crop all over the world
  • Cotton crops needs a lot of water for it to produce and therefore, communities aren't getting enough water to drink. If 25 million tons of cotton are produced globally, imagine how much gallons of water it would need. 
Hunting water in Africa
  • Not only were using tons of water in the making of a t-shirt but the crops are coated in pesticides. These crops use about 25% of the world's insecticides. It turns out t-shirt making is also a pesticide-laden business. 

  •  Making matters worse all these pesticides being sprayed on crops also harm workers, the planet and neighboring communities. They suffer from nerve diseases and vision problems because of the number of toxic chemicals.

    • Next step tons and tons of energy are needed to take it from raw cotton to a t-shirt (which is fueled by oil drilling or dirty coal). All this is to get the cotton to turn into thread.
    • After having the thread you would bleach the cotton with chlorine even though it can become a neurotoxin and carcinogen. The cotton industry still going to use it even if they are to dye it.
    Bleaching the cotton 
    • Next the cotton industry wants to make it easy as possible to take care, so they would spray it with formaldehyde knowing that it would cause respiratory problems, burning eyes, allergic skin reactions and even cancer. The use of formaldehyde makes the t-shirt soft, wrinkle-resistant, stain and odor resistant, fireproof, mothproof and even antistatic. 
    Another chemical being used in the cotton industry
    • Finally the fabric gets shipped to a factory or a sweatshop where workers work long days for low wages. Many are working in unsafe conditions and are teens. 
    Cartoon showing teen sweatshop labor
    • When it's all done the t-shirts get shipped to the United States and sold to the public for under $20. 
    • After reading The Story of Stuff, I believe that the value of a t-shirt should go up not like the price you see then for at  the 99 cent stores, teens and adults have shed blood and sweat just to make these product. Not adding the fact that they are exposed to many chemicals in the factory they work at. Some will never recover from there illnesses. It's a never ending cycle. It's just not right. It may be cheap to us but not cheap to them.
    The price should be higher than this

        Tuesday, November 30, 2010

        Blog 18:Too Much Stuff

        Summary: According to Mary Elizabeth Williams, cheap is bad and it's ruining our lives. You keep throwing away your old things and buying new ones because of it's durability.When we see the low prices from aggresive advertising we tend to react and buy their products.Not only it's bad for the consumers to keep buying it, it's bad for the workers that makes these products and it's also bad for the enviroment since there's more junk being throw away.

        My Thesis: Mary Elizabeth Williams is informing us that cheap is bad and it ruining our lives. There is one problem with her argument: Why is it bad?

        Reason 1: The workers that makes the product

        Example: In the movie, Sleep Dreamers workers were being paid very little to produce these products from the consumers

        Reason 2: It's bad for the enviroment

        Example: On black friday the busiest shopping day we spend so much money because there so cheap

        Friday, November 19, 2010

        Ninth Lab/Blog 17: Reflection on Blogging

        1. Blogging has improved my writing in so many ways. For example, in Blog 1 when I wrote about the Advertisment story my ideas were very vague, no structure of any kind and to short. Now I know how to write an organized essay for the CATW. Things like elaborating on your examples, your summary is in your own words, starts in the first paragraph, include author's name and title of the passage. Also in your response which comes after should have multiple paragraphs, and have at least two quotes from the reading. Looking at recent CATW's I wrote like in blog 13 and 11, there's a major difference.

        2. I probably could of done more writing on certain blogs to make them longer like expanding on my ideas. I also probably would spend more time writing everyday so my writing would improve.

        Blog 16: The Industrial Migrants

                                                                 Part 1:
                In Eric Scholsser "The New Industrial Migrants", Scholsser explains that MIGRANTS that are coming from Mexico, Central America and Southeast Asia are working in meatpacking jobs that offer low wages and high TURNOVER rate. Most of these immigrants came from places like River Park Mobile Court, beaten trailers and not far down the road from slaughterhouses. Most of them had to share rooms in old motels and sleep on the floor. During one 18-month period, more than five thousand different people were hired at the Greeley beef plant- an annual turnover rate of about 400 percent. This lead to an average worker quitting or fired every three months.
                One thing this article reminded me of is the films we watched in class called The Meatrix because they both had the same mindset in PROFITABILITY and not care about their workers. According to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, many of the workers suffer from back problems, torn muscles, deep cuts and amputated fingers. Many of the workers was illiterate. Mike Coan in an 1994 interview with Business Insurance, an industry trade journal stated  that "We're at the bottom of the literacy scale and in some plants about a third of the people cannot read or write in any language."

                                                                 Part 2:
                In Schlosser second excerpt, Schlosser tells us how companies like IBP would hire immigrants since they would work for lower wages than americans and would be more reluctant to join unions. According to The Immigration and Naturalization Service about one-quarter of all meatpacking workers are illegal immigrants. He also tells us how companies deny hiring illegal immigrants to work for them. Spokesmen for IBP stated "We do not knowingly hire undocumented workers," and "IBP supports INS efforts to enforce the law and does not want to employ people whot authorized to work in the United States." Nevertheless, meatpacking companies target are poor communities and there willing to accept any kind of job because  getting pay is better than no pay at all.

        Friday, November 12, 2010

        Blog 15

        Some interesting things was that Greenmarkets were founded in 1976. It began with 12 farmers in a parking lot on 59st and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan and now has over 51 locations throughout New York city. I never knew there were so many greenmarkets in NYC. There's actually one near the park I live at Fort Greene Park. Every year New Yorkers throw 25,059 tons of recyclable plastic bottles in their household garbage.

        Tuesday, November 9, 2010

        Blog 14: Ideas for Improving my Performance in the CATW

        Ways that we can improve on our annotation of the reading:
        - underline important ideas
        - organize your ideas
        - ask questions
        - underline words you don't know
        - underline topic sentences

        Ways that we can improve on our response to the reading:
        - Be organized
        - Have a structure
        - Elaborate on your examples
        - Use words such as For instance, In another case to give reader examples

        Transitions that would help us organize our CATW better:
        - Sentence one should be your topic sentence
        - Sentence two provides specific detail/examples as a restatement of the first. It "opens up" the first sentence.
        - Use Further, Besides, Equally important, Finally as some of the transition words

        After doing this excersice things that were emphasized was to include quotes from the passage, use transitional words to connect your idea, use at least two examples from your personal experience and to explain in details. Also to check your passage over again for spelling/grammar mistakes.

        After reading the comment posted by Ellie, I learned in the summary you have to address who, what and why and to just proofread for grammar mistakes.

        Blog 13

              In "How to do one thing at a time", Nancy Jones explains that multi-tasking is bad and is harmful to the brain. Things like talking on the phone while driving, texting while driving or chatting with your friends while sending out an office email. One significant idea in the passage is the experiment done at Stanford Unviersity.
              The experiment proved Nancy's point. The poeple that weren't multi-tasking did significantly better than the other group. I agree with her because whenever I'm writing a paper or doing a project, while listening to music and watching a basketball game, I tend to get distracted and can't focus on the things I'm going to write for my essay. According to Clifford Nass, a professor of communication at Stanford Unveristy, "A tremendous amount of evidence shows that the brain does better when its performing tasks in sequence rather than all at once." It seems to me that I'm not alone.
              Another reason that the experiment is important is that according to another article published in the science journal, "NeuroImage revealed that when we attempt demanding tasks simultaneously, we end up doing neither as well as we should because our brains have cognitive limits." That explains why it's so hard to focus when your doing multiple things.
              In conclusion, we should break our multi-tasking habit and sharpen our fous. Some solutions such as yoga and acupuncture can be helpful according to experts.

        Monday, November 8, 2010

        CATW Revision

        Lorick Li
        Doctor Ximena Gallardo
        ENA 099 0708

        Seeing is Believing     

                   According to doctors and psychologists from all over the world, many of their patients believe they are in a whole different universe.Many patients believe that their every move is being filmed for a TV show from the news to the psychiatrists,like the 1998 movie The Truman Show. The struggle to sort out reality and illusion is HEARTWARMING.Some would go as far as suicide if he couldn’t leave his supposed reality show. Ian Gold, a philosophy and psychology professor at McGill university believes that people are becoming unstable because of reality shows and the internet.
             I agree with Ian Gold because people are becoming ill quicker through reality shows and the internet.Some reality shows like Jersey Shore, The Bad Girls Club, and The Bachelorette convince the viewer’s experiences are PLAUSIBLE. For instance, I see many of my friends act or do things differently because of what they saw on TV. Some would go out and get all the name brand clothes/jewelry he/she has because they were wearing it. For example, Ed Hardy, Christian Audigier and Armani Exchange.Some might even go as far as changing their personalty because they saw Snooki or The Situation from Jersey Shore express themselves in a certain way. Some would disobey there parents or become a troublemaker. They would do things they normally wouldn’t do. There not being themselves. According to Ian Gold, a philosophy and psychology  professor he believes that reality shows make healthy people delusional, “but, at the very least, it seems possible to me that people who would become ill are becoming ill quicker or in a different way.”They can’t separate fantasy from reality.
                  Another reason why people are becoming ill is through the use of the internet. People spend hours on the web and becomes addicted to it. For example, many of my friends spend hours on social websites such as Facebook and Twitter and with the ability to make strangers into INTIMATES will cause them having problems dealing with one another. One of them being  your communication skills.Everything can be done on the web and the way you communicate doesn’t get better on the web.They end up with low self-esteem and not having confidence in themselves.Through Gold and his brothers research, they came across an interesting patient ”A patient in Austria believed she became a walking webcam through the use of the internet.” The internet can effect you in many different ways. A few might consider this as a lifestyle and takes pride in their imagined celebrity but it can be dangerous.These delusions can lead to many diseases or illnesses such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
                   In conclusion, people really need to limit the use of the internet and watching TV. More and more people are becoming addicted to it and it must change.Reality shows and things on the internet is affecting who we truly are. Like how Vaughan Bell said “People need to fully understand these delusions.”

        Thursday, November 4, 2010

        Blog 12

             Items in Pollan's advice that make sense is to eat mostly plants, especially leaves because there high in fiber and antioxidants. Also to cook your food so you wouldn't give in to fast food and you tend to eat more healthy if you cook it yourself because you know the indegredients your adding. Things I would do right away is to avoid anything my great grandomother wouldn't recognize as food like breakfast-cereal bars since I eat a lot of those. I'm starting eating more plants, I usally don't eat much of it. One things that would be hard to do is to eat more plants because it ususally don't taste good to me. Another thing would be to stay out of the the middle of the supermarket and lean towards a section of the supermarket. Overall I would try eating more plants, eat home cooked food and try not to eat anything my grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.

        Tuesday, November 2, 2010

        Blog 11

              In "Let Them Eat Fat," Critser argues that fast food companies are targeting poor communities and is being more aggressive about it. One of every four hamburgers sold by Mcdonalds is consumed by a young black men.Because of it's value many consumers can't resist. The total calories in these meals has risen from 680 to 1,340. According to U.S. dietary guidelies, 1,340 calories represent more than half of a teenager's daily intake.
              I agree with Critser because more fast food resturants such as Mcdonalds and Burger King are showing up in poor communites.There cheap meals has drawn the attention of the consumers. For example, in Mcdonald's they have a dollar menu where many of it's items are a dollar and it ranges from cheeseburgers, apple pie, ice cream and fries. Then in Burger King they also have their own value menu where it consists of nuggets, burgers and drinks for a dollar or two.
              Another reason is that many of these kids are mesmerize by the company's worker into "supersizing" your meal. They would have signs saying "If we don't recommened a supersize, the supersize is free!" Consumers can't resist this oppurtunity and for an extra 79 cents the customer would receive a supersize coke and a supersize order of french fries.
              The reason nutritionists and dietitans object this is because in these meals including the dollar menu and value meal calories has risen dramatically. This correlates in a decrease of physical activity among teenage boys and girls by a half.
              Customers should look for healthier options insead of these supersized meals. If you really need to eat from Mcdonalds or Burger King because of the price, then you should really limit the amount you consume.  

        ENG099: Cat # 3

        My second evaulation
        ENG099: Cat # 3: "Technology has expanded throughout the past years. As it becomes more developed with more high tech inventions, people become emotionally in..."

        School-stuff: Practice CATW #3 The Net is The Real World

        My first evaluation
        School-stuff: Practice CATW #3 The Net is The Real World: "Practice CATW #3 As the technology is showing improvements, unfortunately that is give more access to some sick people to us..."

        Thursday, October 28, 2010

        Blog 10

                  In Terry J.Cole, "Where the Whale Be At?", he explains that people of color should be concerned about the environment.Terry believes that the reason is because people of color has a historic bond with the environment. Also people of color live in environments that are toxic and can cause severe health problems. Three out of five African and Latino Americans live in communities with abandoned toxic waste sites.Lack of park space is another reason. There are 1.7 acres of park space for every 1000 people in African American neighborhoods, contrast this with the fact that there are 31.8 acres for each person in predominantly white neighborhoods.
                  I agree with Terry J. Cole because people of color should be concerned about the environment. I live in an African American neighborhood and there isn't a supermarket in the area. It's surrounded by fast food restaurants such as Dominos, Crown Fried Chicken, and Wendy's.They tend to eat more fast food because of its availability and price.They don't have the same access to healthy foods. 
                  Another reason is that this relates to many diet-relates diseases. "A 2006 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine (AJPM) found the presence of a supermarket reduced the prevalence of overweight and obese residents." Even if they sell fruits or vegetables at the local bodega it's either rotten or very limited. There not fresh as if it was from a supermarket. For example, many of my neighbors are either too skinny or too fat and the numbers are rising and it ain't going down until fresh food is available and supermarkets is being build.

        Tuesday, October 26, 2010

        Blog 9-Summary of the Meatrix

              In The Meatrix, which is a parody of the 1999 hit film The Matrix, big companies are taking over family farming to maximize their products. This is where factory farming was created. Animals are abused and treated cruelly. This cause fights and diseases among one another. In order to keep these animals alive, they were give antibiotics which in return kept the animals immune to germs. This caused massive pollution and the residents that are living in these communities are becoming sick Not only these corporations are destroying communities, they also mistreat their workers. They work in unsafe conditions. This can be changed if the consumers stop supporting them by buying their products and start exploring alternatives options.
              In the Meatrix: Revolting, animals area still becoming sick despite the overuse of antibiotics. They inject the animals with rBGH, an artifical growth hormone that Canada and the European union have banned. Baby cows are being fed processed milk which is made from cow blood "the dead is being fed by to the living." These daily factories can be stopped if the consumer stops supporting them and buy from small family farms that are still out there.
              In the Meatrix Two and half, The meat industry don't care about worker's safety and only cares about the profits there going to make. These worker's are working under dangerous conditions. Not only the worker's safety is an issue but with the line moving so fast, excrement's are getting all over the food that we consume. This will lead to many sickness and diseases. The only way in stopping them is to start spreading the word and start buying products from family farms.
              After watching the 360 degree tour of factory farming, I think that we should do something about it and not let the goverment get corrupted by them. There passing all these laws in support of them. For example in June of 2006, the EPA proposed a rule where industrical farms will never have to report how much pollution they release into the community's water system. This has to stop. We can't be supporting them no more. Start buying your products from small family farms. There still out there. You end up being more healthy if you start supporting them.

        Thursday, October 21, 2010

        Essay 1: Personal Electronic Devices

        I like Aaron's post because it's very true and I'm one of them Essay 1: Personal Electronic Devices: "People wouldn't be able to do most if their regular rountines with personal electronic devices. How do you wake up in the morning. Most pe..."

        Reading blog: A Coppertop's Life Artifacts

        I like Keith's post because it's very true, a lot of people are watching tv non stop and it's affecting your school work. Reading blog: A Coppertop's Life Artifacts: "To much TV for kids,even the TV gets sick when he watches the same person for hours, but we don't. I picked this picture because almost eve..."

        Andrew's Blog: Artifact 3

        I like Andrew's post because it's very true in today society a lot of people drink energy drinks even thought there are better opitions. Andrew's Blog: Artifact 3: "Some of the artificial products under the Foods Category are 'energy drinks', and Red Bull I think is the most popular. It is said that its ..."

        Tuesday, October 19, 2010

        Blog 8

               According to doctors and psychologists from all over the world, many of their patients believe there in a whole different universe. Some convinced themselves there being secretly filmed for a TV contest to reality shows being made about them.These delusions can affect anybody, not just certain people. Researchers are documenting this as the "Truman Syndrome."
                Ian Gold, a philosophy and psychology professor at McGill University suggest that people are becoming ill quicker through reality shows and the internet. While others believe there's a connection between culture and mental health.
                Some of Dr. Gold's patients mentioned The Truman show. It's a struggle to sort out reality and illusion. Some even planned to commit suicide if he or she couldn't leave their supposed reality shows.Some even takes pride into their imagined celebrity position. In the Truman Show, Truman's friends and family were actors and every moment of his life was being broadcast.That's how certain patients feel and it can be horrifying.
                "Truman syndrome" as they call it affects these people. It's affecting their conscious. The struggle to sort out what is real and what is not is a huge step for them.

        Friday, October 15, 2010

        Artifact 3

        Baby on Steroids
        I chose this because in sports today a lot of people take steroids to become better players and are willing to do whatever it takes to win. Many teenagers now are doing the same. Not many know it's side effects. People view them as cheaters because of the numbers they put up for their team aren't real. Back then athletics worked hard to post up record breaking numbers, now many believe in order to do so they must take drugs so it can enchance their abilites. Sports has changed now because of this. Everytime someone posts crazy numbers, people think there taking steroids but not all of them all. Taking steroids has short and long term side effects. Many of these effects aren't reversible. Some short term side effects consists of shrinkage of the testicles, development of breasts, increased risk of cancer, heart and live disease. Some long term effects can be deepened voice and stunted growth.

        Artifact 2

              It's an advertisement by Verizon on one of their phones called Droid 2.The way we use cellphones have changed dramatically over the years. Cellphones were meant to be use to communicate with one another, now it can do a whole bunch of things like surfing the web, taking pictures, recording videos, play games and a music player. Back then cellphones were use for one reason and one reason only, to be able to talk to communicate with one another. Now we can even communicate through email, and texting.

              Almost everyone has a cellphone now. It's been use everywhere to go, it's like were cyborgs.We need the phone to carry on through life. Cellphones separate us from talking to the real person since the voice we hear is not a real voice, but a digitized voice.I chose this video because many people think its real but cellphones wasn't like it used to be. 

        Artifact 1

        No mom, it's YOUR bed time.
            Video games are the biggest influence in young teens today. Many get distracted from their school work, and play games day and night.  Many grows up unstable and acts very violent because of this.Even though games are rated from early childhood to adults only, many have ways around it like a 12 year old playing a grand theft auto game were 18 and higher are suitable to play.Some players believe that they are the main character in the game and can't differentiate fantasy from reality. It's a big issue for parents.I chose this because its happening more and more where newer games are coming out constantly and little kids are buying it the first day to play it. I use to be one of them when i was little, I kinda got addicted but as I grew older i realize it was a distraction and it was just for fun and not real. Now I barely play any video games unless I'm bored.

        Friday, October 8, 2010

        I am a Cyborg

              Many people look at the word cyborg and have different meanings. From human beings biological functions being enhanced to survive in a hostile environment to human beings controlled by technology devices. From the way I look at it, cyborg is a person who is aided by electronic or mechanic device. Technology has been making my life easier since I was a kid, therefore I am a cyborg. 
              Everywhere we go were surrounded by technology, it's part of our life. Taking public transit with metrocards, watching TV, using computers and cellphones. Everyone depends on a certain device. I couldn't imagine myself without my phone or my computer. I'm use to having one. I'm addicted to it. If it's not for my phone I wouldn't be able to contact my parents or my friends if something happen. Without my computer, my social life would be cut of. .Technology makes my life easier.
              Technology is not what is used to be everything can be done online now. Back then if you need something you would have to go to the store and get it, but now it can be delivered to doorstep through the internet. Another example would be if your lost you would have to look at a map for directions but now you can just turn to your phone for help since your phone has built in GPS giving you turn by turn directions. 
               Technology has evolved dramatically over the years, people has been relying on technology since. My life has been much easier thanks to my phone. There's so many ways a phone or a computer can help you when your in a situation.

        Thursday, October 7, 2010

        "Brainstorming about Technology"

        1.Tools- I think of instruments, objects someone performing mechanical operations   

        2.Technology- I think of computers, electronics, anything that uses power

        3. Cyborg- I think of a machine or something operated by a device
        1. Appliance, machine, utensil, gadet
        2. Electronic components, machinery, mechanics, robotics
        3. Clone, drone, android

        There all similar in a way
        I use my phone, metrocard, credit card, computer almost everyday if not every minute. I use them to make my life easier and it helps me in  many ways. I couldn't imagine living my life without them. I become addicted to them.

        Tuesday, October 5, 2010

        Revised Blog 4

        In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", Socrates explains that learning is painful and it takes stages and time to understand.In Plato's story he describes them being at the cave there whole life with their hands and legs chained. Looking at the cave all day and not even be able to turn around to see what's behind you. He compares this to a PRISON-HOUSE. When all of a sudden a prisoner is let out and experiences what life is like outside. It's a whole new world to him.He's been at the cave his whole life staring at the wall in front of him, all he could see are shadows of people walking by. That’s all he been able to see in his entire life.Now he can see the light and be able to see the sun.He will CONTEMPLATE the sun.He doesn't know what to do now.Should he stay? or should he go back?.He can't comprehend with it.It takes time to understand what is life like outside for him.

        "My Place in the Cave"
        If I  was in Socrates cave I would be walking out into the light and not be chained in the cave my whole life because I know what my goals are and what to do in order to accomplish them.I want to learn more and know more. I would keep pursuing my dream and not run away.Once said by Socrates, “He will have to grow accustomed to the sight of the upper world.” I’m going have to grow accustomed to the things outside my comfort zone to.If I gave up long time ago I wouldn't be here.Now that I'm in college I still want to continue my education and develop new skills along the way.I’m majoring in Electrical Engineering and there’s a lot of hard work to be done.My goal is to graduate with a bachelor’s degree.There's always something new for you to learn. Along the way I would try to help people get free.I would help them since I might learn a thing or two.They don’t have to stay confused. I  wouldn't want to live in IGNORANCE.

        Friday, October 1, 2010

        Lab #2

        In the movie The Truman Show, Christof said the following: "I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. Seahaven is way the world should be." I disagree with Christof because Seahaven is all actors and will never give the chance for Truman to be himself. It's all part of the script. You should live your life on how its presented to you and not on what the actors say or do.You should be able to experience life how it is, and deal with real life situations.The path you chose will be entirely up to you. There would be some benefits living in Seahaven opposed to the real world like safety. Nothing ever going to happen to you because you got someone watching over you and everyone else is actors.       

               When Truman leaves Seahaven, he's finally be able to experience what life is live and would try to look for Lauren.

        Thursday, September 30, 2010

        Reader Response

        The most interesting idea in Martin's post was the civil rights movement he wrote about to relate to Plato's Allegory of the cave.It's really a good example. I totally agree with him.

        Thursday, September 23, 2010

        "The Allegory of the Cave"

        In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", Socrates explains that learning is painful and it takes stages and time to understand.In Plato's story he describes them being at the cave there whole life with their hands and legs chained. Looking at the cave all day and not even be able to turn around to see what's behind you. He compares this to a PRISON-HOUSE. When all of a sudden a prisoner is let out and experiences what life is like outside. It's a whole new world to him..He's been at the cave his whole life staring at the wall in front of him, all he could see are shadows.Now he can see light and be able to see the sun.He doesn't know what to do.He can't comprehend with it.It takes time to understand what is life like outside for him.

                                                      "My Place in the Cave"
        If I  was in Socrates cave I would be walking out into the light and not be chained in the cave my whole life because I know what my goals are and what to do in order to accomplish them.I want to learn more and know more. I would keep pursuing my dream and not run away. I have to grow accustomed to the things outside my comfort zone..If I gave up long time ago I woudn't be here.Now that I'm in college I still want to continue my education and develop new skills along the way.There's always something new for you to learn. I wouldn't want to live in IGNORANCE.

        Wednesday, September 22, 2010

        Things I need to remember when writing summaries...

        - Author's main idea is placed early in the passage
        - Write your summary in the beginning
        - Mention author's last name
        - Look at the title

        Sunday, September 19, 2010

        In order for me to pass the CATW i have to

        - manage my time more spend about 20 minutes to read, 10 to plan and 50 minutes writing it
        - use a outline and write down key ideas
        - refer back to the reading more
        - expand my essay by giving more examples and details
        - use appropriate vocabulary to make ideas more clearly

        Tuesday, September 14, 2010


              Advertisements can be seen everywhere we go. You see it when you wake up, you see it when you go to sleep. Advertising has risen relentlessly. It wasn't like in the past where you see ads being placed on transportation, bulletins and venues.Advertisements has risen dramatically and fiercely that we aren't realizing the insanity of it all.
              Everyday people see an estimated 12 billion displays, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials. It has become part of our daily routine. You can't hide from it or just give in.
        There's going to be another ad around the corner that your going to give in. There's an ad on everything,for children,adults any audience.
               Advertisements has been popping up everywhere that now its in supermarkets where you shop for food. It's affecting our quality of life.There's is no place that you go that you won't find an ad. As said by a company executive from VideoCarte, "The most powerful micromarketing medium available today." The hype is going to get worse and worse.
               From my own experience, advertisements had affected a lot of my decisions. For example, ever since the new iphone that came out, I wasn't sure if I was going to get it or not because of all its problems. I was going to wait for another phone but since the day it came out there were advertisements all over the place.It was on tv,billboards, radio, showing all of it's features.It was hard to resist.It catapult me into making my final decision into getting one. As said by the author of "Hype" he used to hear "Beethoven's Ninth Symphony play in his head. Now he heares the kid singing Oscar Meyer wiener song."