Friday, November 19, 2010

Ninth Lab/Blog 17: Reflection on Blogging

1. Blogging has improved my writing in so many ways. For example, in Blog 1 when I wrote about the Advertisment story my ideas were very vague, no structure of any kind and to short. Now I know how to write an organized essay for the CATW. Things like elaborating on your examples, your summary is in your own words, starts in the first paragraph, include author's name and title of the passage. Also in your response which comes after should have multiple paragraphs, and have at least two quotes from the reading. Looking at recent CATW's I wrote like in blog 13 and 11, there's a major difference.

2. I probably could of done more writing on certain blogs to make them longer like expanding on my ideas. I also probably would spend more time writing everyday so my writing would improve.

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