Friday, October 15, 2010

Artifact 1

No mom, it's YOUR bed time.
    Video games are the biggest influence in young teens today. Many get distracted from their school work, and play games day and night.  Many grows up unstable and acts very violent because of this.Even though games are rated from early childhood to adults only, many have ways around it like a 12 year old playing a grand theft auto game were 18 and higher are suitable to play.Some players believe that they are the main character in the game and can't differentiate fantasy from reality. It's a big issue for parents.I chose this because its happening more and more where newer games are coming out constantly and little kids are buying it the first day to play it. I use to be one of them when i was little, I kinda got addicted but as I grew older i realize it was a distraction and it was just for fun and not real. Now I barely play any video games unless I'm bored.

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