Friday, October 15, 2010

Artifact 3

Baby on Steroids
I chose this because in sports today a lot of people take steroids to become better players and are willing to do whatever it takes to win. Many teenagers now are doing the same. Not many know it's side effects. People view them as cheaters because of the numbers they put up for their team aren't real. Back then athletics worked hard to post up record breaking numbers, now many believe in order to do so they must take drugs so it can enchance their abilites. Sports has changed now because of this. Everytime someone posts crazy numbers, people think there taking steroids but not all of them all. Taking steroids has short and long term side effects. Many of these effects aren't reversible. Some short term side effects consists of shrinkage of the testicles, development of breasts, increased risk of cancer, heart and live disease. Some long term effects can be deepened voice and stunted growth.


  1. I like this, because ,yes,unfortunately it is going on nowadays...I can not look at sports like before.I became very suspicious....

  2. In today's world steorids has become a big part on society.
